
Effective as of April 1, 2022

1 – APS – Arlington Parking Management Services 

The purpose of the statement is to inform users of this site about the collection and use of personally identifiable information. The following is not intended and should not be interpreted as a contract, either stated or implied.

2 – Definition of Personally Identifiable Information

“Personally Identifiable Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual who is the subject of the information.

3 – Providing Personally Identifiable Information

Customers do not have to routinely provide personal information to visit the APS website or download information. APS may request personally identifiable information from you to provide requested specialized services. Still, we aim to utilize such information as it would be in a government office.

4 – Personally Identifiable Information Available

The collection of personally identifiable data is noted as part of our statistical analysis while collecting and computing usage data; this is so we may better design and improve services and access. However, the site does not attempt to gain personally identifiable information on individual users and associate them with IP addresses.

5 – Restrictions on the disclosure of customer information

Our users are important to us, and we do not sell or rent our users’ information to any outside company or organization. We do not reveal specific information about users or other personally identifiable data to unaffiliated third parties for their independent use, except if required by law. We strive to ensure the safe collection and processing of as minimal data as possible needed for processing.

6 – Freedom of Information (FOI)

APS endeavours to make its information accessible to the public. However, some records contain information that is either privileged or of a personal nature. The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act compels all organizations in the municipality to review such documents before disclosing them. Request to access such records requires a written request.

For more information, please call +1 (833) 404 – 4277